GOTO (Plate Solve) JNow/J2000

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GOTO (Plate Solve) JNow/J2000

Post by Forum_2015 »

Just a quick question/check about the GOTO (plate solve) on the Telescope Control Center panel.

If I have selected the JNow check box in the GOTO panel of "Telescope Control", then the J2000 coordinates in AA's DB are translated into JNow so that JNow coordinates are sent to the scope (via EQMOD in my case). This all works great. However, if I then use "GOTO (plate solve)" on the Center panel, then the telescope slews to a perfectly incorrect offset from center every time I wrote a small test script which seems to indicate that the offset is likely caused by the plate solve slewing to a J2000 coordinate. I might be missing something but it seems sensible to have "GOTO (plate solve)" also convert to JNow if that setting is checked on the GOTO page?

I now have a script that centers nicely, but it would be nice to have the GOTO (plate solve) use JNow if that is checked on the GOTO page.


Posts: 353
Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

Re: GOTO (Plate Solve) JNow/J2000

Post by Forum_2015 »

Thank you for pointing that out. I confirm that "Center - GOTO Plate Solve" works only in J2000 mode. It will be fixed in the next version of the control panel.

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