Autoguide and download

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Posts: 253
Joined: 03 Dec 2018, 22:33

Autoguide and download

Post by Forum_2014 »

I would like to report the following problem.
With the SBIG STL-6303 happens that the autoguider does not work when you download the image, which unfortunately in binning 1x1 lasts several seconds. So when you start a new installation of the sequence, it may happen that the guide star is already out of the center and in the final image you can see the stars elongated.
I tried to set a pause of several seconds between one image and the next but the problem, although reduced, continues.

Posts: 253
Joined: 03 Dec 2018, 22:33

Re: Autoguide and download

Post by Forum_2014 »

for the present, you could solve this way:
enable "Dithered guide" and select "0 / 0" as Maximum Shift.
Doing so there won't be any shift but the star will be centered before the new exposure. By the way, you may try to set "1 / 1" for a true dithered autoguide sequence.
(Don't use the Pause option in Setting, it will not solve the problem).

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