lodestar (mis)communication

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Joined: 13 Feb 2019, 11:39

lodestar (mis)communication

Post by ajtdebruin » 18 Mar 2019, 19:54

Dear all, Fabio,

At this moment I am guiding in slt-mode with a Lodestar X2 but experience odd behaviour - see pic.
Everytime the bright green dot disappears the graph below gives a vertical line and the correction is much greater than 4 or 5! (mostly in RA)
Looking in the view tab I am not missing any frames! What is happening? I din't have this with my Atik Titan I used before...

Cheers Arnold

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Joined: 13 Feb 2019, 11:39

Re: lodestar (mis)communication

Post by ajtdebruin » 18 Mar 2019, 20:12

Could it be that the star is too fuzzy? And that the bright green dot disappears because the software can't calculate where the star is?

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Joined: 03 Dec 2018, 21:43

Re: lodestar (mis)communication

Post by fabdev » 18 Mar 2019, 21:24

Hello, the bright green dot represents just the last correction.
A correction of 4-5 pixels is outside the circles (max. is 3, unless you enlarge the window) so it's not visible in upper graph.

To find out the problem, keep visible the "View" tab, and look at the actual star: was it extremely faint? Or maybe you are getting random noisy frames from the camera? (since you wrote about the communication). Post a screenshot of it.

Was the result image correct? If yes, it's possible that in Slit Mode the statistic graph is wrong, but the guide is correct. By the way, you wrote that with the other camera this did not happen, so another test is required.

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