Atik 420m Hanging with AA6

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Posts: 353
Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

Atik 420m Hanging with AA6

Post by Forum_2015 »

Hi all!

I have aquired AA6 and I have been using it with an Atik 420m and I am getting an odd
problem. Whenever I stop a exposure before it's finished it hangs the ascom driver.
Temperature reading goes nuts and camera stops working and have to restart my PC
and forces a camera power cable disconnection!

I have tried several USB ports and problem persists. Problem is repeable in different computers.
Camera works fine with it's own software.

I am using the latest atik ascom driver. Anybody with this issue?

UPDATE: It seems it does the same with the native ARTEMISHSC driver.

Regards and thank you!


Posts: 353
Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

Re: Atik 420m Hanging with AA6

Post by Forum_2015 »

some cameras don't support stopping an exposure.

Can you stop the exposure with the camera software?

Posts: 353
Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

Re: Atik 420m Hanging with AA6

Post by Forum_2015 »

Hi, yes I can stop it with the camera software, no problem.
Today I tried again but waited a few seconds (30s) after hanging, the the camera got back and temperature readings normalized.
Thanks for answering.


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