pulse guiding Losmandy Gemini II

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Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

pulse guiding Losmandy Gemini II

Post by Forum_2015 »

Hi all,

I am trying to figure out which parameters are available to me when using pulse guiding with my Losmandy G-11.
In the Ascom driver for Gemini II all I can set is the guide speed. Does AA then automatically adept when callibrating?
There seems to be nothing about pulse duration or similar. Or am I missing something?
Yesterday evening I tried it for the first time and it made my mount very nervous (not the best conditions though). In fact the mount did much better unguided...
Anyone with the same setup perhaps?????

Regards Arnold

Posts: 353
Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

Re: pulse guiding Losmandy Gemini II

Post by Forum_2015 »

I use a NEQ6 under EQMOd/Ascom...
The guide rate selected should be around x0.5 (sidereal)
AA5 calibration process works out the necessary (best?) pulse rate for your telescope.

AA5 will then issue the guide pulses as required to guide on your target star

Posts: 353
Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

Re: pulse guiding Losmandy Gemini II

Post by Forum_2015 »

In the mean time I figured out that the theoretical telescope speed should be 8.3 - C9,25 and Atik Titan (7.4 mu).
I also gathered that tweaking is possible by changing this speed.....
And am I correct to say that for the slit-mode it is possibly better to have the angle at 0 degr and perhaps the "don't guide<" high, say 0.8 or 1 pix?

Regards Arnold

Posts: 353
Joined: 07 Dec 2018, 15:04

Re: pulse guiding Losmandy Gemini II

Post by Forum_2015 »

Hello, the "hardware" guide speed should be set in the mount between 0.2 X and 1.0 X sideral (0.5 X is usually best).
The "software" telescope speed calculated by the autocalibration should fall be between 2.0 and 10.0 pixel/sec (below 2.0 the guide pulses would be too long, decreasing the frame rate. Above 10.0 the pulses would be too short, with loss of precision).
"Don't guide" is usually 0.5, you may increasing it on bad seeing or small pixels. 0.8 is fine in these cases.

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