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Staright Xxpress Users

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 19:48
by Dennis Persyk
Do any forum members have SX cameras and are using the AstroArt plugin. I am loaded the proper drivers from Starlight Xpress but the plugin does not recognize m MX25C camera.

I use the AA plugin for my Canon 6D and it works flawlessly. Any help would be appreciated.


Dennis in Hampshire, IL Just west of Chicago

Re: Staright Xxpress Users

Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 10:42
by fabdev
Hello, before using the Astroart plugin you need to install the low level drivers from SX: "Signed drivers for 32 and 64 ..."

then check the camera with the SX M25 software below: "Trius, SXVR and SXVF camera software ..."