here are some pictures about unboxing of an Atik Titan
In Astroart it can be commanded via the ASCOM driver.
The Titan can be used uncooled, without power supply, since it takes power from USB. Power (12 V - 0.55 A) is used only by the cooler.
This modern 16 bit camera has an extremely low noise ccd and electronics, so I wanted to take a look at the difference between cooled and uncooled 1-seconds exposures, for autoguide. The CCD is a Sony ICX424, 4.8 x 3.6 mm wide.
The test was made for one reason: how much important is cooling for autoguide nowadays?
At room temperature some hot pixels are visible (not so hot, 200 ADUs) and the random noise is only +- 20 ADU.
Click the image for the GIF animation of two frames.
At full cooling, hot pixels have disappeared and random noise drops to +- 15 ADU (you must consider that some of them are readout noise).
The visualization is the same.
I feel that there is not a clear answer, obviously with cooler the noise decreases, but ... working without power supply is so handy for portable telescopes.
The Titan itself is a full ccd camera, optimized for planetary and deepsky imaging. Using it as an autoguider is for "VIP" setups.