Compare 16 vs. 32 Bit
Posted: 13 Jun 2022, 06:34
My subs are 16bit fits
The stacked fit file are 32 bit
How do i easily compare ADU's on this to image.
I would also like to compare standard deviation.
Thank's Morten Lerager
Edit: I will try to pixel edit to value 70000. It could be a work around to
get the file in 32bit.
Edit Edit: Ohh, a better work around would be to stack only the One sub.
....If this will do the trick, to convert it to 32Bit
Edit Edit Edit: Ok now. Stacking a single sub wont change it to 32bit.
Pixel edit to a V70000 will change to 32bit without scaling. So AA automatic change
på 32bit. only if needed.
The "error" was my bad. I had a single sub with a background standard deviation reading 37.3
After preprocessing 20 x subs the same standard deviation was 143 ....No so funny.
The if I change Sigma + Sum to Average the reading is 6.5
My subs are 16bit fits
The stacked fit file are 32 bit
How do i easily compare ADU's on this to image.
I would also like to compare standard deviation.
Thank's Morten Lerager
Edit: I will try to pixel edit to value 70000. It could be a work around to
get the file in 32bit.
Edit Edit: Ohh, a better work around would be to stack only the One sub.
....If this will do the trick, to convert it to 32Bit
Edit Edit Edit: Ok now. Stacking a single sub wont change it to 32bit.
Pixel edit to a V70000 will change to 32bit without scaling. So AA automatic change
på 32bit. only if needed.
The "error" was my bad. I had a single sub with a background standard deviation reading 37.3
After preprocessing 20 x subs the same standard deviation was 143 ....No so funny.
The if I change Sigma + Sum to Average the reading is 6.5