BASIC Programming Language

Scripts and programs to automate Astroart
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Posts: 21
Joined: 13 Feb 2019, 16:33

BASIC Programming Language

Post by cardanoc » 03 Oct 2021, 12:46


I have been writing a few scripts using the documentation in Astro Art.

When I do an Internet search on the BASIC programming language, I get a long list of different versions. It is very confusing.

Is there a single version that I should look at for reference?

Thank You!

Conrad Cardano

Posts: 115
Joined: 08 Jan 2019, 04:32
Location: Monterey county, Ca.

Re: BASIC Programming Language

Post by Iver » 05 Oct 2021, 17:21

I've had no experience with BASIC but by looking at the script commands and examples in the documentation I've been able to cobble together a collection of scripts that I use all the time. When I get stuck or frustrated I ask a question here or send Fabio an email. The sequencer also has a helpful feature that will create a script similar to the sequence. Then you can customize the script. Good luck scripting.

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