Simple script for taking LRGB
Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 16:49
Hello, I have been asked the simplest script to take L,R,G,B images, where the L is in binning 1x1 and the others in 2x2.
Here is a solution which takes 3 red, 3 green, 3 blu in binning 2x2, then 6 lum in binning 1x1. It can be tested indoor with the camera and filter wheel simulators. Remember to change the "C:\Temp\" folder if needed.
Here is a solution which takes 3 red, 3 green, 3 blu in binning 2x2, then 6 lum in binning 1x1. It can be tested indoor with the camera and filter wheel simulators. Remember to change the "C:\Temp\" folder if needed.
Code: Select all
dir = "C:\Temp\"
Sub Sequence(filter,object,images,exposure,binning)
For i = 1 to images
fileName = object + filter + Format(i,"000")+ ".fit"
Image.Save(dir + fileName)
Next i
End Sub
Sequence("R", "M42", 3, 5.0, 2)
Sequence("G", "M42", 3, 5.0, 2)
Sequence("B", "M42", 3, 5.0, 2)
Sequence("L", "M42", 6, 5.0, 1)