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I am sure there is a Script Command to Clamp()

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:32
by Forum_2018
I was sure I had used a script command like Image.Clamp(60000,65000) In the SP4 version?
Does not seem to work.
Am I getting confused with the Macro() with Clamp in it.
Not in the Help either?


Re: I am sure there is a Script Command to Clamp()

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:32
by Forum_2018
Maybe you are thinking of "Image.Formula" ?


Re: I am sure there is a Script Command to Clamp()

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:32
by Forum_2018
I know there is a script Image.Binning2X2() but I was sure I had used Image.Clamp(x,y)
Yes.. I could use image.Formula() to Clamp!!
It is only to stop AA6 writing 32bit files when there is a 65535 pixel.
