Peculiar flat fields for research
Posted: 08 Jun 2022, 13:53
Hello, for a peculiar UBVRI research, the following specification were needed for flat fields:
1) Taken every night, on the sky, at sunset or dawn.
2) Taken for all filters (UBVRI) using an optimal exposure of 2/3 of dynamic range.
The main problem was to find the correct exposure. It was solved taking a test exposure then measuring the average value of the image. Knowing the bias level of the camera, the correct exposure time could be calculated as:
newExpo = currExpo * (TargetADU - biasADU) / (Image.Average - biasADU)
Here is a prototype script were the bias is set at 100 ADU and the target ADU is 40000.
Flats are taken near the zenit switching off the telescope tracking.
1) Taken every night, on the sky, at sunset or dawn.
2) Taken for all filters (UBVRI) using an optimal exposure of 2/3 of dynamic range.
The main problem was to find the correct exposure. It was solved taking a test exposure then measuring the average value of the image. Knowing the bias level of the camera, the correct exposure time could be calculated as:
newExpo = currExpo * (TargetADU - biasADU) / (Image.Average - biasADU)
Here is a prototype script were the bias is set at 100 ADU and the target ADU is 40000.
Flats are taken near the zenit switching off the telescope tracking.
Code: Select all
seqDir = "D:\Temp\"
sunAltitude = -5.0
nExpo = 3
initExposure = 5.0
targetADU = 40000
biasADU = 100
Sequence("u", nExpo)
Sequence("b", nExpo)
Sequence("v", nExpo)
Sequence("r", nExpo)
Sequence("i", nExpo)
Message("Script ended")
Sub WaitSun
while true
a = SunAlt
print "Sun altitude = " + Format(a, "0.000") + "°"
if a < sunAltitude then break
end while
End Sub
function SunAlt
lon = Observatory.Longitude
lat = Observatory.Latitude
ra,de = SunRaDec(JD)
az,al = EquatToAltaz(ra,de,lon,lat)
return al
end function
Sub GotoZenith
lon = Observatory.Longitude
lat = Observatory.Latitude
ra,de = AltazToEquat(175, 89, lon, lat)
print "Moving telescope to zenith ..."
Telescope.Goto(ra, de)
print "Telescope arrived"
End Sub
Sub Sequence(filter,images)
print "Moving filter wheel to " + filter + " ..."
print "Test exposure ..."
exposure = CalcOptimalExposure
print "Optimal exposure for " + filter + " is " + Str(exposure) + " s"
for i = 1 to images
Camera.Start(exposure, true)
fileName = BuildFileName(filter,i)
print fileName
Image.Save(seqDir + fileName)
if i > 1 then Image.ClosePrevious
Next i
End Sub
Function CalcOptimalExposure
Camera.Start(initExposure, true)
mult = (TargetADU - biasADU) / (Image.Average - biasADU)
return Round(initExposure * mult)
End Function
Function BuildFileName(filter,idx)
return "Flat " + filter + " " + Date() + " " + Format(idx,"00") + ".fit"
End Function