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Image Aberration Viewer

Posted: 22 Oct 2024, 12:12
by Rudi
A while ago, I asked Fabio if he could create a function in Astroart to generate 3x3 panels for analysis, including star shape analysis. Since I don't think Fabio has had time to work on it, and because he recently released a new version of Astroart with very fast GetPixel/SetPixel script functions, I implemented it myself.

Load the script into Astroart, select an image, and run the script.

Disclaimer: I'm not done testing AA9, so I'm not 100% sure, that the function isn't already in AA :oops:

ImageAberrationViewer.txt: ... 04ar&raw=1

Code: Select all

' Author: Rudi Bjørn Rasmussen, Svendborg, Denmark

' Set this value to the wanted width in the final analysis result image.
' The final height is automatically calcuated
resultWidth = 640  ' <=== only change this value if needed
' Script below, do not alter

if Image.Width < resultWidth then
  resultWidth = Image.Width

' Work on a duplicate

scaleFactor = resultWidth / Image.Width

' dimensions of the image to be analyzed
width = Image.Width
height = Image.Height

dx = width / 3
dy = height / 3

rDx = dx * scaleFactor
rDy = dy * scaleFactor

' copy bits for the 3x3 panels
'    px0       px1       px2
'     +----+    +----+    +----+
' rDy | Q02|    | Q12|    | Q22|
'     +----+    +----+    +----+  py2
'     +----+    +----+    +----+
' rDy | Q01|    | Q11|    | Q12|
'     +----+    +----+    +----+  py1
'     +----+    +----+    +----+
' rDy | Q00|    | Q10|    | Q11|
'     +----+    +----+    +----+  py0
'       rDx       rDx       rDx

' panel x coordinates
px0 = 0
px1 = (width - rDx) / 2
px2 = width - rDx

' panel y coordinates
py0 = 0
py1 = (height - rDy) / 2
py2 = height - rDy

' BitBlt panels
BitBlt(px0, rDx, py0, rDy, 0, 0)      '  Q00
BitBlt(px1, rDx, py0, rDy, rDx, 0)    '  Q01
BitBlt(px2, rDx, py0, rDy, rDx*2, 0)  '  Q02

BitBlt(px0, rDx, py1, rDy, 0, rdY)      '  Q10
BitBlt(px1, rDx, py1, rDy, rDx, rDy)    '  Q11
BitBlt(px2, rDx, py1, rDy, rDx*2, rDy)  '  Q12

BitBlt(px0, rDx, py2, rDy, 0, rdY*2)      '  Q10
BitBlt(px1, rDx, py2, rDy, rDx, rDy*2)    '  Q11
BitBlt(px2, rDx, py2, rDy, rDx*2, rDy*2)  '  Q12


' Crop image to the 3x3 panels

' Grid lines
gridHalfWidth = 2

' Horizontal grid lines
for x = 0 to rDx * 3
  for dy = 0 to gridHalfWidth * 2
    Image.SetPixel(x, rDy - gridHalfWidth + dy, 0)
    Image.SetPixel(x, rDy*2 - gridHalfWidth + dy, 0)
  next dy
next x

' Vertical grid lines
for y = 0 to rDy * 3
  for dx = 0 to gridHalfWidth * 2
    Image.SetPixel(rDx - gridHalfWidth + dx, y, 0)
    Image.SetPixel(rDx*2 - gridHalfWidth + dx, y, 0)
  next dy
next x

' Update result image

' Copies bits from _x0 to _x0+dx ; _y0 to _t0 + _dy to _xDest ; _yDest
sub BitBlt(_x0, _dx, _y0, _dy, _xDest, _yDest)
  for _i = 0 to _dx
    for _j = 0 to _dy
      _red = Image.GetPixelR(_x0 + _i, _y0 + _j)
      _green = Image.GetPixelG(_x0 + _i, _y0 + _j)
      _blue = Image.GetPixelB(_x0 + _i, _y0 + _j)

      Image.SetPixel(_xDest + _i, _yDest + _j , _red, _green, _blue)
    next _j
  next _i
end sub