x/y coordinates of marked points

Image processing, astrometry, photometry, etc.
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x/y coordinates of marked points

Post by Rudi » 21 Apr 2024, 03:40

Is there a way to get a list of all marked points in an image?
X/Y pixel coordinate will be fine.

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Re: x/y coordinates of marked points

Post by fabdev » 24 Apr 2024, 00:26

Yes, using a script:


returns how many points are selected.

x,y = Image.Points.Get(i)

returns the coordinates of the #i point.
See in the Guide: Scripts / Function(Images) , "Points and Rectangles" near the end of the page.

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Re: x/y coordinates of marked points

Post by Rudi » 24 Apr 2024, 03:43

Thanks Fabio! Just what I needed...

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