(you can test it indoor using the camera and telescope simulator).
1) Go to an ephemeris service web site, for example the MPC:
2) Fill the data as written in the image below, remember to change the option about "Display RA/Dec" and Coordinate format.
Here we will use the asteroid 2015 XD130 at 2016/6/23 02:00 UT. This should be the approximate date/time when you'll actually take the sequence.
3) Get the ephemeris from the web site:
Select a suitable time (for example 02:00) and copy that date/time to the script:
YearInit = 2016
MonthInit = 6
DayInit = 23
HourInit = 02
MinuteInit = 00
Copy the ra/dec data into the script:
RaInit = 21.4718
DeInit = 37.623
RaMotion = -1.40
DeMotion = 1.44
4) That's all, when you launch the script it will take:
NumExposures = 10
ExposureTime = 5.0
TelescopeCenter = 3
Folder = "C:\Temp\"
ObjectName = "2015XD130"
10 exposures, with an exposure time of 5 seconds, with a telescope recenter every 3 images. You may verify that with the simulators.
Code: Select all
' Ephemeris in Universal Time
' example: www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/MPEph/MPEph.html
' Change these Options:
' 1) "Display R.A./Decl" = decimal units
' 2) "Separate R.A. and Decl. coordinate motion"
YearInit = 2016
MonthInit = 6
DayInit = 23
HourInit = 02
MinuteInit = 00
RaInit = 21.4718
DeInit = 37.623
RaMotion = -1.40
DeMotion = 1.44
NumExposures = 10
ExposureTime = 5.0
TelescopeCenter = 3
Folder = "C:\Temp\"
ObjectName = "2015XD130"
DayInit = DayInit + HourInit/24 + MinuteInit/60/24
JDInit = DateToJd(YearInit, MonthInit, DayInit)
RaMotion = RaMotion*60*24 / 3600 'Degrees per day
DeMotion = DeMotion*60*24 / 3600 'Degrees per day
For i = 1 to NumExposures
ra,de = CalcCoords(JDInit,RaInit,DeInit,RaMotion,DeMotion)
If Round(i mod TelescopeCenter) = 1 then
Print "Moving telescope: " ; ra ; " " ; de
End If
Print "Exposure #" ; i
Next i
'--------------- Subrotines ---------------
Sub TakeImage(index)
fileName = ObjectName + "_" + Format(index,"000")+ ".fit"
Image.Save(Folder + fileName)
End Sub
Sub CalcCoords(JDIn,RaIn,DeIn,RaMot,DeMot)
dJ = JD() - JDIn
CRa = RaIn + RaMot*dJ / 15
if CRa >= 24 then CRa = CRa - 24
if CRa < 0 then CRa = Cra + 24
CDe = DeIn + DeMot*dJ
Return CRa,CDe
End Sub
Sub DateToJd(dYear,dMonth,dDay)
if dMonth <= 2 then
dYear = dYear - 1
dMonth = dMonth + 12
End If
a = Int(dYear / 100)
b = 2 - a + Int(a / 4) - 1524.5 + dDay
r = b + Int(30.6001 * (dMonth+1)) + Int(365.25 * (dYear+4716))
return r
End Sub