New telescope centering in AA8 SP1

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New telescope centering in AA8 SP1

Post by fabdev » 14 Mar 2022, 20:11

Astroart 8 SP1 contains a new window to center the object in the field of view of the camera.

In AA8 it was possible to center an image, just downloaded from the camera, "plate solving" it then right clicking on the object (context menu: "Telescope center").

The three other methods can now be launched from the "Center" page of the Telescope Window:
  1. "Exposure + Center" (with plate solving, using the Centering Window below).
  2. "Center only" (with plate solving).
  3. "Manual centering".
The first command is managed by the new window of Astroart 8 SP1, which is similar to the full-frame autofocus. It automatically takes an image, plate solves, centers the telescope, syncs, and exits. This means that it's possible to center the field with a single mouse click. This can be also done with a single script command: Telescope.AutoCenter(...), see the docs for more information.

The second command is the same of Astroart 6/7, you need to manually download an image from the camera before launching the command, which will only move the telescope.
The third command is the same of Astroart 5 and older, it does not use plate solving. The field of view must be specified exactly and the object must be manually selected with a point on the image.
Clear skies,

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