Script command for Trichromy

Scripts and programs to automate Astroart
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Joined: 29 Jan 2024, 20:47

Script command for Trichromy

Post by ZorroH » 06 Sep 2024, 12:02


Is there a script command to generate an RGB image from 3 R, G, B images using the Trichromy function? It probably exists but I don't seem to find it. I tried for example Image.Trichromy "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1" and I had no luck.

Thanks in advance for any insights.

Best regards,


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Joined: 29 Jan 2024, 20:47

Re: Script command for Trichromy

Post by ZorroH » 12 Sep 2024, 09:26

For the records, got to know that there is no such script command for Trichromy today, but this will be added by Fabio in the next upgrade.
Thanks Fabio!

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